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Rossland Accessibility Plan

The City of Rossland is creating an Accessibility Plan to make sure that everyone can access City spaces, programs, and services. The Plan aims to make life better for everyone in Rossland—regardless of age, background, or ability. We want to hear about your experiences with accessibility in Rossland, to help shape the Accessibility Plan.

The City of Rossland

UPDATED: January 15, 2025 – Path to Inclusion – The Rossland Accessibility Plan has now been adopted.

UPDATE: October 21, 2024

Press Release – For immediate release.

City of Rossland seeking public input on Accessibility Plan

Rossland, BC – The City of Rossland is pleased to announce the release of the draft Rossland Accessibility Plan. The Plan will advance accessibility and inclusion for all residents, regardless of age, background, or ability.

Through it, the City aims to identify and remove barriers that prevent people from fully participating in community life, and to improve accessibility in City-owned spaces, programs, and services.

The draft Accessibility Plan was developed through community focus groups and a survey during Round 1 engagement, a review of key policies, and site visits. The draft plan can be viewed here: Rossland Accessibility Draft Plan

Community engagement is a key part of the process. For the second round of engagement, the City is inviting residents to provide feedback on the draft Accessibility Plan through a survey, which will be open from October 21 to November 11, 2024. The survey is available on the City’s website and at City Hall.

The input gathered in this second round will be crucial in finalizing the Accessibility Plan, ensuring it reflects the needs and priorities of Rossland residents.

To complete the survey click on the link -> http://Rossland Accessibility Plan_Phase 2


The City of Rossland is developing an Accessibility Plan to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to access in City spaces, programs, and services. We are asking for community input to ensure that the Plan reflects the diverse needs (mobility, vision, hearing, sensory and cognitive) of people living, working, and playing in Rossland.

The Plan responds to the Accessible British Columbia Act. According to the Act, accessibility:

  • Means that all people can take part in their communities through work, play and other daily activities
  • Is important for everyone, especially people with disabilities
  • Is about removing barriers and increasing inclusion and independence for everyone

Barriers to accessibility are not only physical, but include all societal barriers, such as technology, digital access, and people’s attitudes towards people with disabilities.

The Plan will guide all City departments, reinforcing Rossland’s commitment to advancing accessibility and ensuring the full participation of its residents and visitors in all aspects of community life. The Rossland Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee is guiding the Plan, and has prioritized the following areas for to address:

  • Programs and services (including recreation and social activities and registration)
  • Policies (including municipal employment, communications, procurement, and general policies)
  • Built spaces (including new builds and updates to existing buildings, both City-owned and private)
  • Transportation
  • Accessibility advocacy, relating specifically to:
    • Health services
    • Education
    • Transit

Share your input!

The City invites residents to share their experiences with accessibility in Rossland, including barriers, challenges, and potential solutions. Public input will directly inform the Accessibility Plan, including priorities and actions the City can take to remove barriers to access in areas such as municipal transportation, employment, communication, buildings, and more.

There are several ways to give input from now until June 3, 2024:

  1. Fill out the online survey, or contact us for a print copy
  2. Join a focus group discussion, either online or in person


To shape the Accessibility Plan, the City of Rossland is doing a survey. The survey has questions about what accessibility means to you; what barriers you may have faced in City-operated spaces, programs, and services; and what actions the City can take to remove these barriers. The survey takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

The survey will close on June 3, 2024. As a thank you to participants, a draw for one $500 prize will take place after the survey closes.

Focus group sessions

To sign up for a focus group session, please fill out this form. Focus group details are shared below. You can also RSVP at the front desk of City Hall, or by calling 250-362-7396 extension 5037.  Accessibility features for each session are listed below. If there are any other steps we can take to make your participation more comfortable, please let us know in the form.

We value the lived-experience expertise of community members, and are offering a $50 honorarium for joining a focus group for people with disabilities, careers, and people who would not otherwise be able to participate.  The sign up form includes a question to confirm this.

In-person sessions

Thursday, May 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Rossland City Hall

Accessibility information: This location is wheelchair accessible. CNS (computerized note-taking services) will be available.



Thursday, May 16, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Location: Rossland City Hall

Accessibility information: This location is wheelchair accessible. CNS will be available.


Online sessions

Tuesday, May 21, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.



Thursday, May 23, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  (Zoom captions available)



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