Recreation, Parks and Culture Master Plan

What is a Recreation Master Plan? It’s an overview of the current state of recreation in the community, current and anticipated trends in usage, a summary of public input and an outline of various future projects that the City can consider in order to continue meeting the recreational needs of the community and region.

Updated June 12, 2023

ROSSLAND RECREAITON MASTER PLAN – The Recreation Master Plan can be found here.

The Recreation Master Plan, Project Evaluation Matrix and Project Priority List are tools for Council to use when considering current and future investment into recreation in our community. It provides a framework by analyzing current and anticipated usage trends, the current state of infrastructure, population trends, environmental considerations and input provided by the community and stakeholders.

The City of Rossland adopted the Recreation, Parks, and Culture Master Plan in June, 2023.

The City is committed to planning for the future of these widely enjoyed recreational services so that they will continue being a core competitive advantage of the community. The Recreation Master Plan can be found here.

Also linked is the revised recreation project evaluation matrix. The project evaluation matrix found within the Recreation Master Plan was reviewed by Council, who adopted this revised matrix as an alternative to ensure social, cultural and environmental priorities are highlighted when evaluating potential future recreation projects. The revised Project Evaluation Matrix can be found here.

Finally, also linked is the Revised Project Priority List. This list takes the priorities we heard from the community and stakeholders and prioritizes them according to the Revised Project Matrix above. The Revised Project Priority List can be found here. 



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