Official Community Plan (OCP)
What is an Official Community Plan (OCP) you ask? It’s a policy tool for Council and citizens to manage change in our community. All properties within the City of Rossland are subject to the objectives and policies of the OCP.
What is an Official Community Plan?
The OCP is a long-range strategic planning document that guides decision-making in Rossland and helps the City plan for change over time.
The City of Rossland updated the Official Community Plan in October 2022. The 2022 OCP Update ‘Imagine Rossland Future Ready’ takes a 10+ year glimpse into the future of Rossland. It reflects our vision, values, and plans for change.

Applying for an OCP Amendment:
An OCP amendment application is required when a proposed development does not conform to the land use designation of the City’s OCP. An amendment is the process of legally changing the land use designation on a property through an amending bylaw.
If your proposed project does not comply with the Official Community Plan, you will need to apply for an amendment. Amendments to the Official Community Plan must be approved by City Council and require a formal application and a Public Hearing.
All applications for an Official Community Plan amendment are made to the Planning Department and may be referred to any other applicable City departments, Provincial ministries and outside agencies, as necessary.
To see your Official Community Plan designation, check the Parcel Viewer map here.
Contact the Planning Department to discuss potential applications requiring an amendment to the OCP via
The application form for an amendment to the OCP can be found here.