Water Supply
Residents of the City of Rossland enjoy some of the best water in the world. Our reservoir is fed by a forested watershed, which means our water supply is naturally clean and clear, and needs little treatment.
Residents of the City of Rossland enjoy some of the best water in the world. Our reservoir is fed by a forested watershed, which means our water supply is naturally clean and clear, and needs little treatment.
Even so, City of Rossland Water Services keeps a close eye on our water, collecting samples from across the City’s water system every day, the samples are tested to check for everything from bacteria and algae concentrations to pH, turbidity and conductivity.
Annual Water Report
The Annual Water report reviews the procedures that the City of Rossland uses to provide clean water. Copies of the water reports are available by clicking the link –> COR – Annual Water Reports:
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) added to Rossland’s drinking water? Yes. City of Rossland Water Services adds sodium hypochlorite to the drinking water to disinfect the source water entering the treatment plant.
- Is fluoride added to our drinking water? No. City of Rossland Water Services does not add fluoride to our drinking water as part of its treatment process.
- Is Rossland’s drinking water hard or soft? The drinking water in Rossland is very soft. It contains very low amounts of calcium and magnesium salts and does not, as in other cities that have much harder water, produce any buildup of lime inside kettles, hot water tanks or household plumbing.
Water Service On/Off
When a home owners needs their water shut off to conduct works on their side of the water valve, the City requires a minimum of 24 hours notice to co-ordinate and locate the valve in order to turn the water off/on.
In case of an emergency, we will get there as soon as we can. There is a fee associated with turning the water on and off – please refer to the Fees and Charges Bylaw.
This shut off must be scheduled within Public Works working hours, any emergency / after hours call outs will be charged to the home owner. Only the City is permitted to turn the water on and off at the curb stop for home owners. There is a fine if the valve has been tampered with. Please contact Public Works to arrange the shut off 250-362-2328 or email pwclerk@rossland.ca
The emergency after hours phone number is 1-866-417-410
Water Flushing Program
Annual flushing of the water distribution system is important as it allows accumulated silts and organic matter to be flushed out of the watermain. Sediments reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite) used to fight the growth of bacteria in the water system. By removing sediments, we can reduce the level of sodium hypochlorite used to disinfect the water.
Flushing usually begins in May of each year, and continues until June. Flushing may result in pressure fluctuation and some discoloration and sediment in the water that reaches your home. This should be for a short duration only. However, if your water appears discoloured, run the cold water tap outside until the water clears. Information signs are placed around affected neighborhoods.
Water Testing
To ensure the City’s water is safe and meets acceptable standards, our crews collect drinking water samples each week from locations in the water distribution network. Over the course of a year, approximately 300 water samples are collected and tested for microbiological, organic and inorganic contaminants which may affect the health of water users.
The majority of samples are negative, however, if there is evidence of bacteria, the system is flushed and rechlorinated and further samples are taken to ensure that bacteria has been eliminated.
If you notice discolouring, odour or taste problems with your water, please contact the Operations and Public Works Department at (250)362-2328 or email pwclerk@rossland.ca

Storm water
The City of Rossland has a limited formal drainage system, based on the road network, and the predominant creek system, Trail Creek. All storm water from the City and Redstone ends up in Trail Creek, while storm water in the Red Mountain area enters the Topping Creek Catchment. Both of these streams are fish bearing and are tributaries of the Columbia River.
As these streams are considered fish habitat, the Fisheries Act and Environment Act apply, making it illegal to discharge any polluting material into the creeks.
Inflow and Infiltration
Inflow and infiltration are terms used when water that is not sewer is discharged into the sanitary system. This additional water can cause overloading of the sanitary sewers, which may lead to sanitary overflows or operational issues at the sewer treatment plant.
- Inflow. Many older homes and businesses discharge roof runoff and basement and perimeter drainage directly into the sanitary sewer. As buildings are renovated and storm water networks are improved, the City will require upgrading of storm water connections to eliminate this additional water.
- Infiltration. Many of the older sewer pipes in town are made from clay tile pipe. This type of pipe is susceptible to cracks and leaking, both permitting additional groundwater in, particularly in the spring, and sewer out.
Sewer Backups and Flooding
To prevent sewer backup, please consider installing a Backwater prevention valve. For emergencies go to Emergency Sewer and/or Water Issues
Flushing and Inspections
City Crews conduct regular inspections and maintenance on water, sewer and storm water lines, if you suspect a problem, please contact City Hall.
Reporting a Problem
Please report problems here.