Garbage & Recycling
Please read below before you call the City regarding delays or missed pick ups for your garbage or recycling. GFL are the contractors for collecting garbage, green bin organics and recycling if you have an issue please contact their Trail office at (250) 367-0099 or email or alternatively you can contact the RDKB by calling 250-368-9148 or email For more information on Recycling BC please contact Thank you!
Weekly Green Bin and Garbage Collection Schedule

Information on Garbage and Composting in Rossland
Going Greener
Rossland is partnering up with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Trail, Warfield, Montrose and Fruitvale to make improvements to our garbage and food waste collection. As part of a commitment to Zero Waste Goals and efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, a new waste reduction program will be launched targeting the diversion of food waste and kitchen scraps in the McKelvey Creek Wasteshed. This program will be managed by the Regional District. The RDKB has awarded the contract to GFL Environmental Inc. who will provide the residential curbside collection of both garbage and green bin food waste for Rossland.
Residential curbside collection in the McKelvey Creek Wasteshed is as follows:
For the communities of Trail, Rossland, Warfield, Fruitvale and Electoral Areas A and B, weekly collection of garbage and the green bin (food waste) will occur. The City of Rossland already has a user-pay, bag-tag system in place for our residential solid waste curbside pick-up program. Residents must use RDKB garbage tags only for the user-pay garbage component.
Click here for the collection schedule and you can also use this app: Curbside Pick Up Schedule Address Search
To view complete documents with FAQs and other important information click here ->
Garbage Pickup Services
The City’s Residential Waste Services are provided by GFL Environmental Inc. Any changes in service due to holidays or severe weather conditions will be posted on the GFL website.
You can also go: RDKB – Regional District of Kootenay Boundary > Utilities & Waste > Garbage, Organics and Recycling > Curbside Collection
If you have questions or concerns regarding your service, please contact their Trail office at (250)367-0099 or email
A person must place refuse to be picked up for collection on the refuse collection day in either metal or plastic bins with a secure lid. A person must not place refuse to be picked up for collection on the refuse collection day before 5:00 a.m. the morning of the day of collection. View the Wildlife Attractant Control Bylaw
Garbage tags are sold in sheets of 10, and can be purchased at Ferraro Foods, Alpine Drug Mart or City Hall
The stickers cover the landfill fees, garbage pickup and delivery to the Trail landfill and the food waste (green bin) that goes to The Central Composting Facility located in Salmo.
There must be an appropriate sticker VISIBLE on each bag or GFL will not pick up your garbage. Should your bag be over the size/weight restriction GFL will not collect your garbage, please ensure your garbage is within the range specified below.
- 1 bag or a can not exceeding 120L in volume and 50 lbs in weight
If you have missed your garbage day, local drop-off services are located at the McKelvey Creek Regional Landfill.
To view all documentation related to Garbage and Recycling click here -> City of Rossland – Document Center (
For more information on Recycling in BC, please visit Recycle
Download the App for up-to-date information: Download the App – Recycle BC