News Items

June 19, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting of Council

The Regular Meeting of Council will start at 6:00 p.m. To view the full agenda package click here

Registered Petitions and Delegations

  • Rossland Public Library Association
  • Friends of Record Ridge

Policies and Bylaws

  • Policy Reviews:
    • Half Masting of the Canadian Flag (AD-9)
    • Communicable Disease (AD-29)
    • Freedom of the City (C-7)
    • Proclamations (C-8)
    • Advertising and Promotions (AD-1)
  • Review of Annual Committee & Liaison Appointments

Staff Reports & Updates

Requests for Council Decision:

  • 2022 City of Rossland Annual Report
  • Resort Area Short-Term Rentals
  • Invoices Paid for Municipal Services May 2023

For Information Only:

  • City Reports for Council Information for the month of May

Requests Arising from Correspondence:

  • UBCM Child Care Resolution

Members Reports & Inquires (Including Notice of Motions)

  • RDKB Directors Report for Monthly Meetings (May 2023) Presented by Mayor Morel

Recess to In-Camera Meeting

  • THAT the June 19, Regular Meeting be closed pursuant to section 90(1)(a), personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality, and section 90 (1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality of; the Community Charter.
Rachel Newton
Author: Rachel Newton

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