Rossland's Wildfire Risk
Rossland is an interface community with residential and business developments located close to forests and wildland areas at risk to wildfire. During the summer months when forests can dry out, risks can be extreme. Wildland forest fires are capable of spreading at an astonishing rate. Crowning forest fires can spread at up to five km/hour and whole subdivisions can be affected within hours.

Rossland FireSmart Program
Protecting your home from wildfire starts with simple actions. Whether you are doing regular yard maintenance or making large scale changes during renovations or landscaping, you can make choices that will help protect your home from wildfire. We live in an area that is prone to danger from wildfire, in the Kootenays that is a fact of life. You can TAKE ACTION to reduce your risk from wildfire, and become FireSmart.
FireSmart is a national initiative to help property owners and communities understand the ways in which wildfire might threaten structures and property located in, and close to, forested and wildland areas, and the steps individuals and communities can take to reduce the susceptibility of buildings and property to fire. The City of Rossland FireSmart Program provides resources, information and support for residents who wish to make their property and their community more resilient to damage from wildfire. More information is available at FireSmart Canada and FireSmart BC.
2024 Rossland FireSmart Events – News – Updates!
FireSmart Rebate Program – April 1 – October 31, 2024
Applying is easy! send an email to – provide your address and contact details and we’ll contact you – thank you! Download a copy of the FireSmart Rebate Program Information shown above.

FireSmart Your Home
During wildfires, airborne embers fly with the wind and can land in your yard, on your roof, or on the trees against your house. Help reduce the potential spread of wildfire by making your home FireSmart. Wildfires are a natural part of Canada’s wildland ecosystem. Without wildfire, the landscape loses its diversity. Wildfires recycle nutrients, help plants reproduce and create a mosaic of vegetation that provides habitat for a variety of wildlife.
By extending our lifestyles and communities further into forested areas, we become more exposed to the danger of wildfire. Living where wildfires can occur puts your home at risk, but it is possible to live safely with this natural event. Recommendations in the FireSmart Begins at Home Guide will reduce the risk of wildfire to your home, and help firefighters to defend your home.
Becoming a FireSmart Neighbourhood
The FireSmart Neighbourhoods Program is designed to encourage self-organized groups of residents to take the lead in implementing solutions for wildfire safety on their own properties. Check out the FireSmart BC website – Neighbourhood Recognition Program to learn more about becoming a Recognized FireSmart Neighbourhood. Contact Rossland’s Local FireSmart Representative – and get started on becoming a Recognized FireSmart Neighbourhood this year.
FireSmart Guide to Landscaping
By making some strategic choices in your yard – you can create a FireSmart landscape. This 20 page FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide includes an extensive list of fire resistant plants and tips about FireSmart gardening.