February 16, 2022
Press Release – For Immediate Release
Rossland, BC – Easing of PHO Province-wide COVID Restrictions
Effective February 16 @ 11:59pm, many current restrictions will be eased. With proof of vaccination and masks, these activities can return to normal.
- No restrictions on indoor and outdoor personal gatherings
Full capacity allowed for:
- Indoor and outdoor organized event
- Indoor events at venues
- Exercise and fitness, adult sports activities, tournaments and swimming pools
Full capacity and fewer restrictions in restaurants, bars, pubs and nightclubs:
- No limits on table size
- Normal liquor service hours
- Customers don’t have to remain seated
- Dancing is allowed when wearing a mask indoors.
As a result of this direction, the City of Rossland is planning to expand services and offering in the community. Specific consideration is being given to upcoming recreational programs, services, events, and activities for the spring/summer of 2022. Please stay tuned for additional announcements as we navigate through required activities to commence with these offerings.
As per Province of BC and Interior Health guidelines, all other Covid-19 safety measures are still being followed, including masks being required in all indoor City facilities when not engaged in physical activity and a requirement for presenting vaccine passport / ID for attending specific third-party events at our facilities.
If you have any questions regarding City of Rossland facility rentals or programs, please contact the Recreation Department at recreation.manager@rossland.ca.
Kristi Calder
Manager of Recreation and Events