Committee of the Whole Meeting
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Rossland’s Development Approval Process. Dillon Consulting’s Brandy MacInnis and Kristen Harder presented a 41-page situational report, which analyzed the current practices and offered several interim recommendations for discussion. They highlighted that expediting development applications by improving municipal processes is a provincial priority, as there is a pressing need for new housing throughout the province. The final report and recommendations will be more detailed and personalized and are expected to be available in June.
Public Consultation 2023-207 Five-year Financial Plan
Mike Kennedy Chief Financial Officer (CFO) presented a high level summary Draft 2023-2027 Five-year Financial Plan to Council and a small public gallery. He stated that this year would be significant for Capital projects and noted that the City works to keep taxation from “spiking” to cover unexpected costs in the future. The CFO acknowledged that it is currently challenging to forecast expenses and listed property tax increases for several communities. He highlighted that Rossland’s increase is reasonable compared to other communities and also explained that Rossland is responsible for collecting taxes for other jurisdictions, such as the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), and that Rossland has no specific control over the amount. He anticipates that the RDKB tax burden will increase by around 12%, which will also appear on Rosslanders’ tax bills.
Regular Meeting
Rossland Arena Society
Mari Conradie (President) Ona Stanton (Vice President) presented to Council an introduction to the Rossland Arena Society (RAS), a recap of the recent ice season at the Rossland Arena, arena benefits and funding opportunities and a request to prioritize the preparation of an Arena Master Plan and utilize the RAS as a resource.
École des Sept-Sommets
Julie Gradmaitre (Interim Principal) and Michelle Laurie (President APE/PAC Parent Advisory Council) presented to council some general information of École des Sept-Sommets, it’s involvement in the community and potential opportunities for collaboration.
Do you want to present to Council? Individuals and groups are encouraged to share their projects, views and initiatives. If you would like to address or present to Council, please contact to discuss your options.
Policies & Bylaws
- Council adopted the Rossland Growing Communities Fund Reserve Bylaw No. 2805, 2023. This bylaw was established to create a reserve fund in support of the the funds received from the Province to help build community infrastructure and amenities to meet the demands of unprecedented population growth.
- The City of Rossland 2023-2027 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2804 was read for a 3rd time as amended.
- The 2023 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2807, 2023 and the Ophir Reserve Local Area Service Parcel Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2808, 2023 were read for a first, second and third time.
- Once a month various City policies are reviewed, and the following were approved.
- Recreation Facilities User Allocation (AD-16) was re-confirmed as presented.
- Land Transactions (AD-10) was re-confirmed as presented.
- Recreation Facilities and Programs in Adverse Weather (HR-14) be re-confirmed as presented.
- Pesticide and Herbicide Use (AD-13) be re-confirmed as presented.
Reports, Updates and Requests
- A Development Permit Application – 1993 Columbia Avenue – Sister Sister signage was approved.
- The Aqueduct Trail Improvements Project Phase 2 was approved, Copcan Civil Ltd. will be continuing with this project through to its completion.
- Rossland Community Farmers Market Road Closure Agreement from 2023 – 2025 was approved. The market will run between May and October at the Queen Street location. For additional information on the Farmers market visit their Facebook Page. Rossland Community Farmers Market | Rossland BC | Facebook
- There were several information only reports:
- Invoices paid for Municipal Services (March 2023)
- Q1 – 2023 Budget Update
- Q1 – Corporate Management Plan Progress
- Update Reports for Council information for the Month of March
- 1. Building Permit Report
- 2. Building Permit Inspections by Type
- 3. Step Code Energy Rebates
- 4. Public Works Report
- 5. Water Production Report
- 6. Eye On Water Report
- 7. Bylaw Compliance Monthly Activity Report
- 8. Rossland Midtown Status Report
- 9. Updated Task List
The next Regular meeting of City Council will take place Monday May 1, 2023 at the Rossland Miners Hall starting at 6:00 p.m.
To view all agendas and minutes from previous meetings click here