Capital Projects
Want to know more about the City's capital projects? Go to the project below to find out more information.

Harry Lefevre Square Improvements
Updated May 27, 2024 – Stage one of the Harry Lefevre Square Improvements project have been completed. There are two washrooms ready for use. Stage two – consisting of landscaping the square will be completed in spring 2024. – NOW COMPLETED! Enjoy the new layout in the Square! To report any concerns with the facility please contact City Hall – call 250-362-7396
Aquaduct Trail Project – Phase II
In 2022, the first phase of the Aqueduct Trail Improvements Project which began near Black Jack Ski Club and continued north through to Little Rock FSR was completed. The upgraded trail and its components sought to improve the quality and accessibility of the trail use experience and create a new, flat, wide, smooth, summer recreational trail experience. Furthermore, this project’s scope of work included covering and reinstallation of sections of an exposed/semi-exposed raw water supply pipe and addresses numerous drainage issues along the trail.
Rossglenn Park Improvements
The Rossglen Park Shelter is to be constructed within Rossglen Park located between Irwin Avenue and Esling Drive. The structure is comprised of steel and timber and a decked roof spanning between glulam rafters which bear onto heavy timber posts. The project is scheduled to take place between July and October, with total completion scheduled for Spring 2024. Any questions please contact
Utilities Master Plan
The City of Rossland, incorporated in 1897, has a notable amount of aged and failing infrastructure that requires assessment, renewal, and asset planning. The City is seeking to develop a Utility Master Plan to accurately develop capital investment plans, set realistic water and sewer rates, identify natural asset opportunities for stormwater management, and determine the path that the City must take for long-term, sustainable utility service for the community. This project is expected to reach completion by December 2024.