
Subdivisions are usually described by survey plans prepared by a registered BC Land Surveyor.

What is a subdivision?

A subdivision occurs when a parcel of land is legally divided into two or more parcels or the consolidation of multiple parcels into one parcel.

The City’s Approving Officer reviews all subdivision applications to ensure compliance with:

Rossland’s Official Community Plan (OCP)
Rossland’s Zoning Bylaw
Rossland’s Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw, as amended; and
• The Provincial Land Title Act.

All subdivisions in the City of Rossland must comply with the Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw. Depending on the complexity of the proposal, the timeline for completion of a subdivision does vary on a case-by-case basis.
In addition to approval by the City, applications for subdivision may also require approval from provincial ministries (e.g., Transportation, Environment).

See the Subdivision Quick Reference Guide for more information.

What is the process for applying for a subdivision?

Note: This is a simplified process. For full subdivision process steps please refer to the Land Development Applications Procedures Bylaw and Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw.

1. Schedule a pre-application meeting with the City by emailing: or
2. Submit your Subdivision Application with all required documents to the Planning and Development department via email: or
3. When your application is complete (meaning it has all the required documents, to a quality satisfactory to Planning and Development Staff), it will enter into a technical review by Staff. The application may be referred to any other applicable City departments, Provincial ministries and outside agencies, as necessary.
4. You may be asked to provide more information to properly evaluate your proposal under the Preliminary Layout Review process.
5. At the discretion of the City, your application will be referred to appropriate agencies for comment.
6. The City may forward a Notice of Application to all parties who have an interest in land within a specified distance of the subject site. The City will also advise if a public meeting is required.
7. Once the application has been reviewed and the information satisfies City requirements, the Planning and Development Department will draft a Preliminary Layout Review (PLR) letter, which outlines the conditions and any additional submission terms that must be met for the Subdivision to be approved. Conditions will vary on the scope, scale and complexity of the application. The PLR is valid for one year after issuance.
8. The City reviews the construction drawings submitted by the applicant engineer and may request further information after the issuance of a PLR letter. If the drawings are satisfactory, and acceptable liability insurance has been provided by the applicant, the City will issue approval to construct.
9. The applicant will then construct the works, with required maintenance bonds and securities being paid, associated inspections being completed, and inspection records being provided to the City.
10. For final subdivision approval, the applicant must submit all supporting documents to fulfill the PLR requirements. Upon receiving the final approval package and fee, the Approving Officer will approve or reject the subdivision plan.
11. Upon receiving final subdivision approval, the applicant and/or lawyer submits the approved plans to the Land Titles Office for registration.

How long does a subdivision approval take?

Subdivision applications can take varying lengths of time to approve and complete.
Timelines depend on:
• Quality of the application and submission documents;
• Application complexity;
• How long the applicant takes to complete conditions; and
• Registration process through the Land Title Office.

How much does a subdivision cost?

Fees for the Subdivision application, as well as water and sewer connections, are identified in the City’s Fees and Charges Bylaw.

Who to contact?

To send an inquiry or book a pre-application meeting with the Planning and Development Department, please contact:

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