Building Permits & Inspections

Permits & Inspections

If you are constructing a new building, renovating, making structural changes or additions to an existing one, installing a wood stove or changing the use or occupancy of a residential or commercial space, you’ll need to obtain a Building Permit from the City of Rossland. New construction, additions or exterior alterations to commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential buildings also require a separate Development Permit. Scroll down for further information.

Do you need a Building Permit?

For your safety and the safety of the community, certain kinds of construction and renovation projects require a permit. The main purpose of a building permit is to ensure that all buildings comply with health, safety and zoning requirements as established by the Province and the Municipality. Complete information is available in the City of Rossland’s Building Permit Forms and Applications.

You’ll need a building permit to carry out any of the following:

  • Construction of any new occupancy building, accessory building or secondary suite
  • Structural repair or additions to an existing building (including decks)
  • Alterations; including, cladding, changing windows or doors, etc
  • Altering or adding to plumbing systems
  • Installing heat pump
  • Any retaining wall over 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height above grade will require engineering.
  • Moving, adding or removing interior structural walls
  • Enclosing a deck, carport or porch
  • Installing a woodstove or other wood burning appliance
  • Siting a mobile or modular home or structure
  • Placing a temporary building on any property (such as a construction office)
  • Demolition of any building requires a Building Permit for demolition.
  • Changing the Occupancy or part of a building or use of any structure or space
  • Moving a building to a different foundation or property
  • Installing a swimming pool
  • Finishing a basement

If you’re not sure if you need a building permit, please contact the Building Inspector at 250-362-2326 or email Building Inspector

Before applying for a Building Permit have you checked if you require:

A Development Permit – this is for any builds in the wildfire interface zone, downtown, the gateway area, if the build is in a multi-unit, on a slope over 30% or near a creek or riparian area etc.

An Access Permit – if you require a new access or plan to improve an access.

Any Development Permit Variances – check if you comply with all the regulations in the Zoning Bylaw for height, setbacks, lot coverage etc.

If you are unsure, please contact the Planning or Building Department before submitting your application.


A Building Permit is not required when you do minor work such as:

  • A shed or structure under 10 square meters (108 square feet)
  • Painting
  • Landscaping or sidewalks
  • Fencing (fence height must comply with zoning bylaw where applicable)
  • Cabinetry
  • Re-roofing
Building Permit Applications:

Building permit applications, including all required paperwork and drawings, can be submitted by email. We will also take the applications by appointment. Call the office at the number below for instructions.

To book an inspection and/or to apply for a permit at this time please contact:

Parry LaFond
Chief Building & Plumbing Official
(250)362-2326 / Email: Building Inspector

Todd Harris
Building & Plumbing Official
(778)457-6626 / Email: Building Inspector

All Building Permits are subject to a non-refundable $50 application fee. The total Building Permit fee is $10 per $1000 of declared value, plus damage deposit and applicable fee per plumbing fixture.


Building Permit Issuance:

Applicants will be notified when a permit is ready to be picked up. They will be able to pay online or mail a cheque (PO Box 1179, Rossland, B.C, V0G 1Y0) or drop a cheque in the drop box at the City office located at 1920 Third Ave, Rossland. Once a permit is approved to be issued, an application will be emailed for signature. Further instructions will be outlined in the email.

  • Permits are issued  for a two year period, should the work not be completed within this time frame, you can apply for a one year extension.  After three years has passed and the work is still not completed you will need to re-apply for a new permit.
  • Permit Closure – A final inspection is required to close your building permit.  Please contact the Building Inspector to book your final inspection.

When do I need a Building Permit for Plumbing?

A Building Permit is required for Plumbing Permit:

  • With new houses, additions, renovations when drawings indicate fixtures
  • When a plumbing system is constructed, extended, altered, renewed, or a connection made to a sewer or sewage disposal system.

A Building Permit for Plumbing is not required:

  • When a fixture, valve or faucet is repaired or replaced, a stoppage cleared or a leak repaired if no change in the piping is required.
Useful Links:

Learn about Building Energy Smart and Incentive Programs & Rebates

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