Energy Efficiency Programs
You may be able to take advantage of some of the rebates and incentives offered through energy-saving programs either hosted or supported by the City of Rossland.

Rossland Retrofit Program
RETROFIT ASSIST – To support existing homes in becoming more efficient and transition to a climate-friendly future, the City of Rossland launched Retrofit Assist to help residents improve their home energy efficiency and year-round comfort. The program offers homeowners guidance to understand their home’s energy performance, access to flexible retrofit financing, support navigating the rebate and funding opportunities available, and help prioritizing their retrofit activities – from improving the building envelope with optimized air tightness and insulation to updating their heating and cooling systems with highly efficient equipment like heat pumps.
Build Energy Smart
The City of Rossland began to implement the BC Energy Step Code for new homes and buildings in 2019. Rossland has adopted policies that will gradually encourage builders to comply with the BC Energy Step Code for new builds and encourage better energy performance during major renovations. The Build Energy Smart page is aimed at providing support and resources to the building industry to help you prepare for the Province mandating Energy Step Code in 2022.
Policy and Rebate Forms
Energy Efficiency Building Incentive Policy
Energy Efficiency Rebate Application – Renovation
Training Opportunities
ZEB & Energy Management The BCIT Zero Energy Building courses are tailored to busy construction professionals allowing you to enhance your toolbox with the knowledge and skills to build to the BC Energy Step Code. Their new courses focus on hands on demos and construction problem-solving ensuring your learning occurs using real life mockups. HVAC and Refrigeration Training – Online Take advantage of residential and small commercial courses focus on heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration at 80% reduction in price (subsidized by Fortis BC)
Click here to view – HRAI Training Courses offered through Fortis BC’s BUILTbetter Program
Supplemental Information
Local Energy Advisors
Energy Advisors may require different qualifications depending on the project. You can pull a list based on your location and project here. The RDKB also has a downloadable list here.
Local Climate Data
Find information here on the local climatic data.
FortisBC Rebates
Find information here on all the incentives and rebates offered for new homes or renovations.
CleanBC Rebates
Learn about Building Energy Smart Better homes helps British Columbians find rebates that save energy and lower greenhouse gas emission. Use the search tool to find out what rebates, refunds or incentives are available to you.