News Items

Regular Council Meeting Agenda for May 21, 2024

The Regular Council meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers located at Rossland City Hall 1920 Third Avenue.

The Regular Meeting of Council will start at 6:00 p.m.

Click here to view the Agenda Package


  • Delegation from Prima Health

Jennifer Ellis (Executive Director) Dr. Michael Scully and Jan Morton (Kootenay Boundary Division Board Member) will be presenting an information report to council to provide an update on the status of the Regional Service Plan and considerations for Rossland moving forward.

In 2023 Prima Health, a non-profit organization, submitted a Regional Service Plan to the Ministry of Health for capital and operational funding for six community clinics in Kootenay Boundary including one in Rossland. The goal of Prima Health is to ensure the sustainability of primary care in our region by creating community-owned, larger spaces for primary care clinics in order to better recruit more physicians, provide space for medical learners, and enhance team-based care as well as to provide operational supports to remove the administrative burden from physicians.

  • Delegation from the Rossland Library

Stacey Boden (Executive Director) and Doug Orr (Board Chair) will be presenting to council the 2023 Annual Report, the impact of libraries on communities and the vision for the Rossland Library

Policies and Bylaws

  • Policy Review – Permissive Tax Exemption (AD-12) reconfirming as presented.
  • Land Development Applications Procedures Amendment Bylaw No. 2836, 2024 (Adoption)
  • Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2809, 2024 (Second and Third Readings)

Staff Reports, Updates & Requests Arising from Correspondence

  • Development Variance Permit (2472 Railway Road)
  • Development Variance Permit (1707 LeRoi Avenue)
  • Rossland Beer Company – Liquor Licence Permanent Patio
  • Youth Action Network Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
  • Meeting Requests with Premier Eby, Cabinet Ministers and MACC Staff
  • Municipal Cheque Register April 2024
  • For Information Only – Additional Traffic Calming Efforts Planned for Thompson Avenue
  • For Information Only – Annual Recreation Cost Recovery Report
  • For Information Only – Monthly Reports to Council for April 2024
    • Building Permit Report
    • Building Permit Inspections by Type
    • Step Code Energy Rebate
    • Public Works & Water Production
    • Eye on Water
    • Bylaw Compliance Monthly Activity
  • Request arising from Correspondence – Environmental Assessment Office (Government of British Columbia) Request to Comment.
  • The May 21, 2024 Regular Meeting of Council be closed pursuant to section 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations, of the Community Charter.

Rachel Newton
Author: Rachel Newton

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