Share your ideas and help shape our Accessibility Plan, for updated information – click here –Rossland Accessibility Plan – Rossland
October 21, 2024
Press Release – For immediate release.
City of Rossland seeking public input on Accessibility Plan
Rossland, BC – The City of Rossland is pleased to announce the release of the draft Rossland Accessibility Plan. The Plan will advance accessibility and inclusion for all residents, regardless of age, background, or ability.
Through it, the City aims to identify and remove barriers that prevent people from fully participating in community life, and to improve accessibility in City-owned spaces, programs, and services.
The draft Accessibility Plan was developed through community focus groups and a survey during Round 1 engagement, a review of key policies, and site visits. The draft plan can be viewed here: Rossland Accessibility Draft Plan
Community engagement is a key part of the process. For the second round of engagement, the City is inviting residents to provide feedback on the draft Accessibility Plan through a survey, which will be open from October 21 to November 11, 2024. The survey is available on the City’s website and at City Hall.
The input gathered in this second round will be crucial in finalizing the Accessibility Plan, ensuring it reflects the needs and priorities of Rossland residents.
To complete the survey click on the link -> http://Rossland Accessibility Plan_Phase 2